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The 2023 Tidelift state of the open source maintainer report
Hundreds of maintainers responded with thoughts about how they fund their work, what they enjoy about being a maintainer, what they don’t like so much, along with a host of other interesting insights.
The 2022 open source software supply chain survey report
Tidelift fielded our annual survey of technologists—including software developers, engineering executives and managers, architects, and devops pros—who build applications with open source.
The 2021 Tidelift open source maintainer survey
In early 2021, Tidelift fielded its first-ever comprehensive survey of open source maintainers.
The 2019 Tidelift managed open source survey results
Eight key findings illustrating how to make open source even better for developers
Key open source usage trends in professional development teams
Key open source usage trends in professional development teams
2018 Tidelift professional open source survey results
We share 9 key insights from the 2018 Tidelift professional open source survey.